Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Hubby is speaking at the Southeast KS Republican Rally!!!

Today Ryan received a call inviting him to give the invocation at the upcoming Southeast Kansas Republican Rally on October 5th!

The rally will be held in Parsons, Kansas (45 minutes southeast of Chanute) and up to 1,600 will be in attendance.

Also in attendance will be:
Senator Brownback (who Ryan will introduce)
Senator Roberts
Kansas Secretary of State Ron Thornburg
and Candidate Lyn Jenkins

The woman organizing the rally said she was looking for a "fiery preacher" and was suggested Ryan! He was asked to pray whatever God put on his heart. In fact, when Ryan asked what his time limit was to pray and share, the woman said he could take as much time as he felt he needed.

Ryan was clear with her, that though his views are very conservative and probably line up with Republicans more than Democrats, he does not consider himself a part of one party or the other. He told her "my allegance isn't to a party, it is to Christ". To which she responded, "Amen!" She then shared they are just looking for someone with conservative views and a heart for the Lord.

I'm SO proud of my man and SO thankful the Lord is allowing him this awesome experience!

We see this as a great opportunity for Ryan to be a spokesperson for the Lord. Please pray that he would be faithful in that task!