Monday, October 6, 2008

Pictures of my hubby at the Repub. Rally

The rally went great! Ryan did a great job of bringing the Truth of the Word! The Lord had laid on his heart to say some pretty "unpopular" things, but he had the boldness to speak the Truth in love.

He read Psalm 33:6-22 and emphasized verse 10 which says, "The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples."

The end of the Psalm talks about putting our trust in God. He shared and prayed about how our only hope must be in God not in a political strategy, not in a party, not in campaign victories, not in bailout plans, not in any person who would be taking the stage that day, but our hope must be in God and God alone.

He also prayed about claiming Psalm 20:7, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."

It was good! Kinda glad it's over though! I was nervous for him and we're not big on "politics" so it was kinda funny the Lord brought us to this opportunity!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Hubby is speaking at the Southeast KS Republican Rally!!!

Today Ryan received a call inviting him to give the invocation at the upcoming Southeast Kansas Republican Rally on October 5th!

The rally will be held in Parsons, Kansas (45 minutes southeast of Chanute) and up to 1,600 will be in attendance.

Also in attendance will be:
Senator Brownback (who Ryan will introduce)
Senator Roberts
Kansas Secretary of State Ron Thornburg
and Candidate Lyn Jenkins

The woman organizing the rally said she was looking for a "fiery preacher" and was suggested Ryan! He was asked to pray whatever God put on his heart. In fact, when Ryan asked what his time limit was to pray and share, the woman said he could take as much time as he felt he needed.

Ryan was clear with her, that though his views are very conservative and probably line up with Republicans more than Democrats, he does not consider himself a part of one party or the other. He told her "my allegance isn't to a party, it is to Christ". To which she responded, "Amen!" She then shared they are just looking for someone with conservative views and a heart for the Lord.

I'm SO proud of my man and SO thankful the Lord is allowing him this awesome experience!

We see this as a great opportunity for Ryan to be a spokesperson for the Lord. Please pray that he would be faithful in that task!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Being Gentle and Quiet in a Loud and Harsh World

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about our personalities...our boisterous personalities!

What do we do when our "personality" does not match up with scriptures like 1 Peter 3, which says women are to adorn themselves with "the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight"? Or Titus 2, which says that young women are to be discreet, which means "to show prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and be cautious"?

Do we just shrug and say, "that's just not me" or "that's just not my personality"?

Those are all things I have said in the past. And now, I'm learning and struggling to obey the right response to this Word...

Scripture calls me to be these things: gentle, quiet, and discreet (and so much more, but this is where I struggle right now). Therefore, I must conform to scripture and stop making excuses like, "that's just not who I am".

The truth is, my "personality" is a result of how I was raised and the friends I fellowshipped with...not what I read in scripture and tried to become.

Now that I am an adult, I am trying to become these things that are "of great worth in God's sight". Does it mean I can't be fun-loving and out-going? No, but it does mean I must stay under the authority of the Bible when it tells me to adorn myself with gentleness and quietness and to be self-controlled in my speech and behavior.

I strongly desire to conquer my fleshly tendencies and become submissive to God's design for me as a woman, and I believe this is another step towards that. It's hard, but it is freeing at the same time!

I believe the feeling of freedom comes from being in God's will. It would be foolish for me to look at the fruits of the Spirit and say, "Joy is just not a part of my personality" or "God just didn't make me a patient person" or "I can't be self-controlled, that's just not in my character traits". But instead, when I see a Truth, I want my response to be a God-fearing 'burden' to conform to His Word. Because when I am hidden in Him and His Word, I am free to be all He created me to be!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Encouraged in Branson

Ryan and I just got back Saturday from the Answers In Genesis "Defending Your Faith in a Secluar World" Family Conference.

The conference also included Vision Forum (Doug Phillips) and Voddie Baucham. It was amazing, to say the very, very least!

I have never been so enboldened, so encouraged and so excited about the Bible, about family and about motherhood.

Doug Phillips spoke on:
"A Family Vision of Victory"
"Jerusalem and Athens: The Battle for Christian Culture",
"The Devolution of Law: The Impact of Evolution on American Law and Public Policy"
"Taking every frame Captive: A Biblical Response to Hollywood"
"The Promise: The Power and Blessing of the Fifth Commandment"

Ken Ham spoke on:
"Genesis and the Secularization of America"
"Learning How to Think Biblically"
"How to Reach Today's World with the Gospel"

Voddie Baucham spoke on:
"Culture War"
"Why Believe the Bible"
"Biblical Manhood"
"Biblical Womanhood"
"The Person of Christ"

Along with hearing these inspiring, Biblical men preach, it was just so refreshing to be around families (BIG families) who are striving to live out Biblical principles in our fallen world.

I was blessed time and time again by conversations with other moms. When Samuel got too fussy, I would walk him around in the foyer of the church and have amazing conversations with women who are older and wiser...they were so full of joy and wisdom, yet so honest about how hard it is sometimes to walk according to the Bible and not the current traditions of the world.

The biggest thing I learned, which was kinda the theme of the week, is that the Bible speaks to all of life. It is not silent on anything. On issues in which it seems to be silent, there is always a Biblical principle that can be applied.

Along with this truth, is the truth that the Bible is our only measuring stick. When we fall into the world's agenda, doing what it "normal" and accepted (even among Christians), we need need to ask ourselves, "this is acceptable by what standard? "

I am so glad to be back home, but definetly missing the teaching and the times of fellowship with the families Ryan and I met.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mothers, Carry Your Cross: Part 3

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses is life for my sake will save it" Luke 9:23-24.


In part 1 and 2, I looked at what it means to carry our cross by loving our children. In this last part, I want to look at carrying our cross by being “busy at home” as it talks about in Titus 2.

Let me just start out by saying I feel there is a misconception about what it means to “busy at home”. Just because a woman is a stay-at-home mom, does not automatically mean she is “busy at home”. It must be purposeful. Many of the “working moms” I know are much more “busy at home” than some “stay-at-home” moms I’ve met!

So let’s just clear up that it’s not just about staying at home or working outside the home. It’s about your actions at home.

“We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:11-12

Being “busy at home” is so much more than just being present in your home. You can be at home, yet be busy with idleness…on the phone, on the internet or busy with hobbies that take you away from your God-given household duties.

A few weeks ago, I was convicted about this. God took me to Proverbs 31:27, which says, “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” I realized that I had been wasting time, being idle, when I needed to keep my eye more watchful over my household.

The phone, internet and personal hobbies, are not bad things and can be used to bring God glory, love your family and encourage others, but I was not doing any of those things. I was simply wasting time…precious time…that I could have been using to bless Ryan or to get ahead on housework, laundry or cooking. I could have been taking that time to think of ways to reinforce lessons we’re trying to teach the boys. Most importantly, I could have been spending that time with the Lord.

I can’t get that time I wasted back, but I have decided to make changes to my life in order to be more “busy at home” from now on. Many Bible versions translate those words into “homemaker”. I like that word too, because as wives and as managers of our homes, we are always making our home into something. I want to use my time to make our home a place where God is the center, my husband feels he is honored and loved above anyone else (except the Lord), where our family is what we focus our time on, where peace reigns, where time is well-spent and where Eternity is always on our mind.

I want to busy myself with those matters of the home, serving my family like Christ who,

“being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!”
Philippians 2:5-8

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mothers, Carry Your Cross: Part 2

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses is life for my sake will save it" Luke 9:23-24.


In my last post (“Mothers Carry Your Cross: Part 1) I looked at Titus 2 for application as to what it means for a mom to carry her cross. This is a continuation of those thoughts.

I have heard many well-meaning people say that moms need to love and care for themselves first, so that they have the energy and desire to love their children. Not surprisingly, I disagree with that mentality.

I often say that the best way I can love my children, is to love my husband more, but to love the Lord the most. I think that if we are laying down our lives and denying ourselves, we can rest in the Lord’s promise that His grace is sufficient, His strength is made perfect in our weakness and our Heavenly Father will supply for all our needs in Christ Jesus.

As a mom, “carrying my cross” means to love my children, just as Titus 2 states. By loving my children, I lay down my life and deny myself.

"Love their children": lay down your life

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you" John 15:13-14.

Loving our children means laying down our lives for them. There is NO greater love. Laying down our lives is a decision that we must make every day to "in humility, consider [them] better than ourselves" and to "not only look to our own interests, but also to the interests of [them]" (Philippians 2:3-4).

Great love is selflessly thinking about our children, their needs, our calling and how God would have us respond to them.

"Love their children": Deny Yourself

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4

More often, as women, we need to check our motives for why we may not want to have any children or more children. For example, if our husband is wanting to have a baby, yet we are hesitant or resistant, what is holding us back?

"Do NOTHING out of selfish ambition or vain conceit" Philippians 2:3

In the past, I have found myself looking at the calendar and wondering when would be a good time to have a baby, so that I don't miss out on something I want to do (selfish ambition). And just like every woman out there, I think about the weight I will gain and the pounds I still haven't lost from my last pregnancy (vain conceit).

I think more often we need to carry our cross by denying our selfish ambitions and denying our vanity.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mothers, Carry Your Cross: Part 1

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself,and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses is life for my sake will save it." Luke 9:23-24.


Recently I asked myself, how can I follow The Lord, deny myself, take up my cross, and lose my life as a mother seeking to "come after" Christ?

I believe the answer is found in Titus 2, where it begins with a charge to the older women and then a call for the older women to train, (not just teach, but TRAIN) the younger women a few "how to's". In the list, there are two things that stick out to me regarding how a mother needs to carry her cross. One is that she "love her children" and the other is that she is be "busy at home".

"Love their children": Carry your cross, because they are a blessing

The first thing we need to examine about ourselves is that we have a true, Biblical love for children.

"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."
Psalm 127

My sister, Marjie, and her husband, Nate, actually have this verse proudly displayed on a wall in their home. They believe their sons are their heritage from God and that their boys are a reward, and they are right! They are raising their boys to be mighty "arrows" for the Lord. It is a good thing to conceive and bear children in our youth.

So if children are a blessing and a reward, we should not view them any other way. When I am having a hard day with all that being a mom to three boys under three brings, I remind myself of the Truth in the Bible. I carry my cross by welcoming them to me, even when I feel like I need a break. And the Lord always provides that time of refreshment for me, but in His timing, not mine. So I carry my cross and wait patiently for Him.

Mark 10:13 it says “People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

When Jesus saw the children being "rebuked" and refused, it says he was offended and angry. He knew the Truth. He knew these children were a blessing and so he gladly welcomed them!

So no matter how I might feel, I do my best to carry my cross, welcoming my children to come to me, and then take them to Jesus with my attitude, actions and words. Instead of wishing the hours to fly by, when I'm home with them having a hard day, or instead of 'shooshing' them away because I am weak, I go to the Lord, my source of strength. After all, the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as my little ones.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Because you listened to your wife...

I think one of the saddest verses found in the Bible is Genesis 3:17...

"To Adam [God] said, "Because you listened to your wife..."

When Eve chose to listen the Serpent in the garden, she not only opened herself up to deceit, she learned what a powerful tool words can be. She immediately took what she learned from the serpent, and then used her new found skill of persuasion on Adam.

And we all know what happened next, "She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." (Gen 3:6) Adams first mistake was not when he took the apple, it was when he listened to his wife.

I wonder how many times we have cursed our husbands by forcing our ideas, opinions and wishes on them?

Be honest. We've all done it. We think we have a better idea or a better way. We use our not-so-innocent questions to persuade them into thinking like us. We say things like, "but have you thought about...why would you do that when we could..." And all along, we know what we are doing...getting them to arrive at (what we have already decided) the "best" decision is.

Sometimes it can seem insignificant, "Why did you park here?" "How come you chose the slowest lane?" "Do you really need that?"

And while these questions seem to be no big deal, they condition our husbands into thinking we have a better way. So to win our approval, they usually adapt accordingly.

You might be thinking, "but sometimes I DO have a better way. I know my way will save us a lot of...time, energy, money..."

But women, there is a reason that we are under the authority of our husbands and they rule over us (Gen 3:16). There is a reason we are called the "weaker vessel" (1 Peter 3:7).

The Bible tells us that Eve was deceived, not Adam (1 Tim 2:14). Our flesh might be telling us that we have a wiser way or a thriftier idea, but I think that the truth is, we are just deceived.

Adam's mistake was listening to Eve.

What Eve thought was a good decision, was actually the path that led to their death. She told Adam to eat the apple, because she was deceived into thinking it would cause them to be like God, knowing good and evil. She thought she knew a wiser way and she persuaded Adam to follow her.

Don't let your husband be cursed for listening to you. Respect his lordship over you. After all, he is your head and a head has a brain.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord” (Eph. 5:22).

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." (Col. 3:23-24)


What does it mean to “submit to your husband as to the Lord”? (Eph. 5:22)

I believe it is a model of what we see in Col. 3:23-24. We must respect and submit as if it is the Lord we are serving, not man. We must take our eyes off of ourselves and, at times, our husbands, and turn our eyes to Jesus. He is to be our focus, just like He is to be our strength.

Without Christ as our focus and strength, we can’t do it.

We end up bitter and full of excuses. We think that our husband's shortcomings give us the right to negate what scripture calls us to be, or we think his inadequacies are reasons to not show the proper respect we should. Keeping our eyes on our excuses causes us to miss the point.

Nowhere in scripture does it say, “be submissive to your husband, but only when he deserves it” or “if you are married to a ‘good’ man, let him rule over you” or “if he’s loving you like Christ loves the Church, then honor him like the Church honors Christ“. Our call as wives does not have any prerequisites. That is what the world says, not the Bible.

In fact, the first part of 1 Peter 3 is directed to women married to non-Believers. It calls for these wives to be submissive to their husbands. Then how much more so is this Truth for those married to Believers! When our husbands see the purity and reverence in our lives, “they may be won over“ (1 Peter 3:1).

Scripture is clear that the husband is our head (Eph. 5:23). He is to us, as Christ is to the Church. We are to follow his lead, be obedient to him, and cheerfully serve him.

Wives must embrace this Biblical model, even when we have our excuses not to. When we think that our excuses trump what scripture lays out for wives, we are “leaning on our own understanding…and…being wise in our own eyes” (Prov. 3:5&7).

Ultimately, the intentions behind our excuses are evil. Our excuses come from a spirit of pride and rebellion. Ask any contentious woman why she doesn’t submit to her husband and as she lists her reasons, you will probably hear her blaming him and listing phrases like, “I have a right to… I deserve…I am entitled to…” In other words, pride, pride, pride.

Instead of our husbands being “won over” by our purity and reverence, they are being pushed away by our complaints, nagging and guilt-rendering comments. This does not honor the Lord. He knows your husband is not perfect, and he has commands he wants him to follow as well. But just because he isn’t doing his part, does not give you the right to not do your part.

Despite our husbands' downfalls, we need to lay down our rights and hold our tongues! It is a gentle and quiet spirit that is of great worth to the Lord (1 Peter 3:4). He doesn’t want to hear our excuses, He wants to see our unwavering obedience to Him by submitting to His Word.

We need to ask forgiveness for the rebellion in our hearts. We need to stop demanding and expecting. What we deserve is death. But the gracious Lord spared us that. So in return, we need to start serving and loving (no matter what our spouse is or isn’t doing) as unto the Lord.

Just look at Sarah. Abraham, her husband, moved their family with no clear direction where they were going…yet she followed. He then asked her to lie twice, saying that they were siblings. This caused Sarah to be taken from Abraham with the intentions of being given to another man…yet she obeyed.

This might sound foolish to a lot of us, but Peter, in his first letter, praises Sarah for her obedience and submission. He tells women that they will be called her daughters, if they will be like her, doing good and not having fear. Sarah called Abraham ’lord’, even when he didn’t deserve it. (1 Peter 3:5-6)

Sarah feared the Lord. She feared not obeying her earthly master, because she knew what her Heavenly master had asked of her-that her husband rule over her (Gen 3:16), that she submit to him (Eph. 5:22), that he be her head (Eph. 5:23), and that she be subject to him (1 Peter 3:1). In doing these things, she did so as unto the Lord.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Newfound Convictions

About a year ago I began to ask God to show me more about what it means to be a Godly wife and mom. He opened my eyes to many Truths in scripture that I had never really let sink in. Most of my newfound convictions are found in Genesis 1-3.

I had read Genesis 1-3 so many times that I was not looking at it with fresh eyes. But when I did, I was blown away by what I found.

The first thing I noticed was that Adam was put to work in the garden before Eve was created. I believe it was, and still is, Adams responsibility to "work it and keep it"(Gen.2:15).

It is later that God created Eve. What I see here is that it was not God’s intention for Eve to work the garden…unless that is the help that Adam was needing from Eve. After the fall, Eve is “cursed” (though I have found immense blessing in it) with childbearing and submission to Adam. It is Adam’s curse to earn bread by the sweat of his face (Gen. 3:16-19).

Bluntly, Eve was not created to pursue a career. Her identity was not to be in her work. It was to be in her childbearing and in her desire for her husband.

Eve was created to make sure Adam was not alone and to help him. Her purpose was to do what Adam deemed as helpful and to not do what made him feel alone.

So first, I began to ask myself what it meant for Ryan to not be alone. It means, to me, being his cheerleader in all things. Not abandoning him, even if everyone else does. Not disagreeing with him, but supporting him. It means not forsaking time with him for meaningless activities. It means being always available. And on and on…

Next, as far as what is means to be a helper to him…that could go on forever! (I recommend the book, “Created to Be His Help Meet” to any woman who is or wants to be a wife). But I would summarize it by saying that being Ryan’s helper means living for his needs, not mine. I am his helper, he is not mine. I was placed in his life by God to, hopefully, enhance his life. My presence in his life should further him to become the man God has called him to be. I should take all measures to not lay any more burdens on him than he already has. I should manage the house, under his authority, in such a way that frees him up to be a more effective minister and father. I should be so wise and prudent with our money that he is blessed financially by the ways I save and the measures I take to deny myself of unnecessary luxuries. I strive to make our home his kingdom where no matter what happens in his day, he knows he will come home to laughter, peace, and adoration.

Needless-to-say, I believe that over the years women have lost sight of the amazing challenge of being a help mate to our spouses. Women today are still listening to the serpent in the garden say, “God is lying. Walk this road and your eyes will be opened…”
We all hear the serpents voice…it’s in the TV shows we allow ourselves to watch, the music we listen to, the conversations we have with our girlfriends, the places we let our minds daydream to…

And just remember, Eve’s first mistake was making the decision to speak to the serpent. In doing this, she began a conversation with him and she opened herself to his influence. It was then that she was deceived, that developed into ungodly desire, and that ultimately led to discontentment and despair.

It’s just like what we see happen in James 1:13-15,
“When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

And we all know the death that Eve experienced. We women are in danger of a kind of death that few people speak of, if we do not stop having these conversations with Satan by watching foolish shows, listening to ungodly music, carrying on with unchaste conversations and not taking our thoughts captive.

I have changed many things in my life. My goal daily is to live to honor God by making sure Ryan is not "alone" and to be his helper. And in turn, I have not lost myself, like the world told me I would. I have found myself. I am now hidden in Christ. I am being a servant, to my Heavenly Master by serving the earthly master He has placed over me.

And it is glorious!!!